Saturday, February 15, 2025

Communication Skills Vs Green Skills


In this section I have tried to provide the mcqs from Self Management Skills, Communication skills, Green Skills, Entrepreneur Skills from 9th class to 12th class. This will be very beneficial for our Nsqf Students in Punjab.

Communication Skills

Q1. The origin of the word communication is ____________
A) Communicate
B) Communicare
C) Compute
D) Computer
Answer (B)

Q2. Types of words used for verbal communication?
A) Acronyms
B) Simple
C) Technical
D) Jargons
Answer (B)

Q3. The first language which we learn or speak as a child ___________
A) Jargon
B) Dialect
C) Mother Tongue
D) Vernacular
Answer (C)

Q4. Which of the following shows a positive facial expression?
A) Frowning while concentrating
B) Maintaining eye contact
C) Smiling continuously
D) Rolling up your eyes
Answer (B)

Q5. By what method we can know what the receiver understood or got the message
A) transmitting
B) feedback
C) message
D) listening
Answer (B)

Q6. What is a sentence?
A) A group of ideas.
B) A group of words that communicate a complete thought.
C) A set of rules to write correctly.
D) A set of words that is grammatically correct
Answer (B)

Q7. Which type of word is generally not used in verbal communication.
A) Technical
B) Simple
C) Easy
D) Local Language
Answer (A)

Q8. __________ can be presented by face
A) Gestures
B) Body Language
C) Para Language
D) Expressions
Answer (D)

Q9. _____ are a group of words that together act as a grammatical units.
A) Imperative
B) Interrogative
C) Phrase
D) Exclamatory
Answer (C)

Q10. Using abbreviations in communication leads to which type of communication barrier
A) Language/ Linguistic
B) Physical
C) Cultural
D) Organizational
Answer (A)

Q11. which can be used to overcome the communication barrier
A) Using a translator
B) By writing a letter
C) Not communicating at all
D) Using your own language
Answer (A)

Q12. Which of the following is NOT a communication barrier?
A) Linguistic barrier
B) Interpersonal barrier
C) Financial barrier
D) Organisational barrier
Answer (C)

Q13. Straight body posture shows what?
A) Pride
B) Professionalism
C) Confidence
D) Humility
Answer (C)

Q14. Which of the following is a positive facial expression?
A) Staring hard
B) Wrinkled forehead
C) Looking somewhere else
D) Nodding while listening
Answer (D)

Q15. Which type of words should be used for good communication?
A) Acronyms
B) Technical
C) Jargons
D) Simple
Answer (D)

Q16. Sending a letter is which type of communication?
A) Listening
B) Writing
C) Speaking
D) Reading
Answer (B)

Q17. Which of the following is not an element of the communication cycle?
A) Channel
B) Receiver
C) Time
D) Sender
Answer (C)

Q18. Written communication can be classified in which type of communication?
A) Non-verbal
B) Verbal
C) Visual
D) None of these
Answer (B)

Q19. ……………………. is the exchange of messages in the communication cycle.
A) Transmitting
B) Listening
C) Message
D) Feedback
Answer (A)

Q20. The abilities to communicate properly are:
A) read
B) write
C) speak
D) all of these
Answer (D)

Q21. Which of the following is an example of negative feedback?
A) You can dance better.
B) Your Dance was good but you can do better.
C) Your Dance skill is not really good. You have to practice more.
D) None of the above
Answer (C)

Q22. …………. is not a communication barrier?
A) Language
B) Culture
C) Habits
D) Physical
Answer (C)

Q23. The communication cycle does not include…………
A) sender
B) message
C) receiver
D) programming
Answer (D)

Q24. Which of the following is quick and clear method of communication
A) e-mail
B) notices/posters
C) face-to-face informal communication
D) business meetings
Answer (C)

Q25. Which method is good for taking leave in the office.
A) Website
B) notices/posters
C) e-mail
D) business meetings
Answer (C)

Q26. The word Commūnicāre means ______ in Latin.
A) to deliver
B) to share
C) to present
D) to sacrifice
Answer (B)

Q27. To understand the message properly the receiver need to ____________ the message properly.
A) transmit
B) throw
C) listen
D) ignore
Answer (C)

Q28. Keeping shoulders straight right and body relaxed is an example of:
A) Facial Expressions
B) Posture
C) Gesture
D) Eye contact
Answer (B)

Q29. Aural communication is based on ………..
A) Body language
B) Language and tone of voice
C) Facial expressions
D) Listening and Hearing
Answer (D)

Q30. Visual communication are dependent on what factors?
A) Signs, symbols and pictures
B) Text messages
C) Posture
D) Body language
Answer (A)

Q31.What is the final step in the communication cycle?
A) Encoding
B) Decoding
C) Feedback
D) Receiving Answer (C)

Q32. Which type of feedback supports student development from their current level of achievement?
A) Specific Feedback
B) Descriptive Feedback
C) Non-Specific Feedback
D) None of the above
Answer (B)

Q33. If there is the absence of feedback then it will lead to …………
A Mistrust
B) Communication Barrier
C) Interference
D) None of the above
Answer (B)

Q34. It is a word used in place of a noun that is
A) Pronoun
B) Verb
C) Adverb
D) Preposition
Answer (A)

Q35. A word used to express emotion and is often followed by an exclamation Mack is called
A) Preposition
B) Conjunction
C) Adverb 1996
D) Interjection
Answer (D)

Q36. Which part of the sentence contains two independent clauses joined by conjunction?
A) Compound Sentences
B) Simple Sentences
C) Complex Sentences
D) Compound-Complex Sentences
Answer (A)

Q37. The process in which the receiver interprets and understands the message is called ...
A) Decoding
B) Encoding
C) Feedback
D) None of these

Q38. ……….. is an instance of non-verbal communication.
A) A speech
B) Proximity
C) A notice
D) An e-mail
Answer (B)

Q39. Which of the following is an example of oral communication?
A) Newspapers
B) Letters
C) Phone call
D) e-mail
Answer (C)

Q40. “Two girls talking over a phone” – is an example of….
A) interpesonal communication
B) written communication
C) small group communication
D) public communication

Q41. Pointing finger to something is an example of…..
A) Expressions
B) Gestures
C) Body Language
D) Para Language
Answer (B)

Q42. which of the following includes the tone, speed and volume of voice
A) Eye Contact
B) Body Language
C) Para Language
D) Gestures
Answer (C)

Q43. Which communication method does not require any language to understand?
A) Verbal
B) Non-Verbal
C) Visual
D) None of these
Answer (C)

Q44.Which is the suitable method to overcome communication barriers?
A) Use visuals
B) Take the help of a translator
C) Always be respectful in other’s opinion
D) All the Above
Answer (D)

Q45. Identify the noun(s): Radhika went to the park for a picnic.
A) Radhika and picnic
B) park and picnic
C) Radhika and Park
D) went
Answer (C)

Q46. Which one of the following is prepositions?
A) And
B) The
C) Under
D) Because
Answer (C)

Q47. Rakesh is playing with football – Identify the verb
A) Rakesh
B) Football
C) Playing
D) None of the above

Q48. The frog jumped quickly – Identify the adverb
A) The
B) Quickly
C) jump
D) frog
Answer (B)

Q49. Identify the Pronoun(s): Raju is a brave boy. He wen to the forest at night.
A) He
B) Raju
C) brave
D) boy
Answer (A)

Q50…….. is not a communication barrier.
A) Language
B) Culture
C) Physical
D) Habit
Answer (D)

Self Management Skills

Q1. Importance of stress management is/are
A) Improves mood
B) Boosts immune system
C) Increases efficiency
D) All of the above
Answer (D)

Q2. Stress management prevents _____________.
A) psychological disorders
B) behavioral problems
C) both of the above
D) none of the above
Answer (C)

Q3. Which of the following help to manage stress?
A) Self-awareness of symptoms of stress
B) Speaking out to the family and friends
C) Both of the above
D) None of the above
Answer (C)

Q4. Stress cannot be ______ but _______.
A) Cured, practiced
B) Eradicated, managed
C) Learnt, forgotten
D) Avoided, welcomed
Answer (B)

Q5. Impact of stress depends on _________.
A) Age and health
B) Profession
C) Living conditions
D) All of these
Answer (D)

Q6. Which is the odd stress symptom of the following?
A) Social withdrawal
B) Depression
C) Fatigue
D) Anxiety
Answer (C)

Q7. _____________ is a practice of focusing on his/her mind.
A) Yoga
B) Physical Exercise
C) Meditation
D) Nature Walk
Answer (C)

Q8. ………….. helps to manage stress?
A) Recreational activities like watching movies etc
B) Going On Vacations with Family and Friends
C) Taking Nature Walks
D) All of the above
Answer (D)

Q9. Radhika has prepared a timetable to achieve her goal. This skill is known as
A) Self-Awareness
B) Responsibility
C) Time-Management
D) Adaptability
Answer (C)

Q10. Stress leads to……………….
A) happiness
B) positive thinking
C) firmness
D) mental troubles
Answer (D)

Q11. Term 1 exam is approaching nearby. Rahul is feeling unprepared. This situation causes
A) confidence
B) stress
C) positiveness
D) strong beliefs
Answer (B)

Q12. Which of the statements below is showing Rohan’s weakness?
A) Rohan play the guitar very well.
B) Rohan is good at creative writing
C) Rohan finds it difficult to read English newspaper.
D) None of the above
Answer (C)

Q13. The force that is within you drives you to do things.
A) Self-Awareness
B) Self-Regulation
C) Self-Motivation
D) None of the above
Answer (C)

Q14. Which of the following makes a person complete work or studies without others cheering him?
A) Self–confidence
B) Communication
C) Self–motivation
D) Self–Esteem
Answer (C)

Q15. Which of the following is one of the signs of stress
A) tiredness
B) headache
C) feeling low
D) all of these
Answer (D)

Q16. Which of the following activity does not reduce the stress?
A) Time Management
B) Physical Exercise
C) Feeling Worried
D) Healthy Diet
Answer (C)

Q17. Which of the following is/are important steps to manage emotional intelligence?
A) Understanding of emotions
B) Rationalise
C) Practise
D) All of the above
Answer (D)

Q18. Converting weakness into strength and strength into an exceptional talent is known as

  1. A) self-awareness
    B) self-confidence
    C) self-reliance
    D) self-regulation
    Answer (A)

Q19. Which of the following can be considered as internal motivation?
A) love
B) reward
C) appreciations
D) recognition
Answer (A)

Q20. Which of the following can be considered as external motivation?
A) reward
B) appreciations
C) recognition
D) all of the above
Answer (D)

Q21. Rakesh practises hard to get the best dancer award in the competition. What type of motivation is this?
A) Internal
B) External
C) Intermediate
D) None of the above
Answer (B)

Q22. Radhika performed in inter-school competitions and learn some skills, such as debating, singing etc. What type of motivation is this?
A) Internal
B) External
C) Intermediate
D) None of the above
Answer (A)

Q23. A set of dreams with a deadline to get them……………
A) Goals
B) Goal Setting
C) Vision
D) None of the above
Answer (A)

Q24. We can use ______ method to set goals.
D) None of the above
Answer (A)

Q25. Goals should be ____________
A) Specific
B) Measurable
C) Achievable
D) All of the above
Answer (D)

Q26. ____________ is the ability to plan and control how you spend the hours of your day well and do all that you want to do.
A) Self management
B) Time management
C) Goal management
D) None of the above
Answer (B)

Q27. The process of ______________ in your life helps you decide on how to live your life, where you want to be, and how you want to be in the future.
A) managing time
B) goal setting
C) dealing people
D) goals allows to
Answer (B)

Q28. How to be a successful person?
A) separate out what’s important
B) focus on the end result
C) successful in career and life
D) All of the above
Answer (D)

Q29. Time management helps an individual in…..
A) complete tasks on time
B) not to waste time
C) set future goals according to completion of tasks at regular interval
D) all of these
Answer (D)

Q30. Which of the following time management steps helps us to analyse that we have used our time effectively?
A) Organize
B) Track
C) Control
D) Prioritise
Answer (B)

Q31. Strength and weakness analysis starts with
A) knowing others
B) understanding feelings of others
C) identifying others fault and weaknesses
D) knowing yourself
Answer (D)

Q32. What is ‘S’ in SMART method of Goal Setting?
A) Smart
B) Short
C) Specific
D) None of the above
Answer (C)

Q33. Qualities of Self-motivated People is/are ____________
A) They are focused
B) They know what is important
C) They are dedicated to fulfill their dreams
D) All of the above
Answer (D)

Q34. Issues related to health of an individual can lead to low self-esteem and cause ___________stress.
A) Financial
B) Emotional
C) Mental
D) Physical
Answer (D)

Q35. Staying with the current situation with new updated information and preparing yourself for new challenges is called _________.
A) Responsibility
B) Adaptability
C) Time management
D) Self-awareness
Answer (B)

Q36. Which of the following technique help you to become more active physically?
A) Exercises and Yoga
B) Sleep
C) Healthy Diet
D) Sleep
Answer (A)

Q37. Which of the following refresh your routine?
A) Healthy Diet
B) Sleep
C) Holiday with family or friends
D) Completing work on time
Answer (C)

Q38. Which of the following technique help you to keep calm?
A) Meditation and Yoga
B) Watching TV and Web Series
C) Playing mobile games
D) All of these
Answer (A)

Q39. he likes, dislikes, beliefs, values and background considered as
A) knowing oneself
B) knowing others
C) knowing the peers
D) knowing relatives
Answer (A)

Q40. Paresh did not like to lose any game or sports. This is his
A) strength
B) weakness
C) emotional intelligence
D) positive feelings
Answer (B)

Q41. Which of the following technique provide you with the strength to do your daily work efficiently?
A) Healthy Diet
B) Sleep
C) Holiday with family or friends
D) Completing work on time
Answer (A)

Q42. Breathlessness, dry mouth, butterflies in the stomach, indigestion etc are signs of _________ stress.
A) Mental
B) Physical
C) Both of the above
D) None of the above
Answer (B)

Q43. Self-Reliance means _____
A) Ability to Work Independently
B) Complete the task effectively
C) Both of the above
D) None of the above
Answer (C)

Q44. We can enhance Ability to work independently by being _____________
A) Self-aware
B) Self-motivated
C) Self-regulated
D) All of the above
Answer (D)

Q45.Which of the following is not a Stress management technique?
A) Taking Nature Walk
B) Focusing on negative aspects of life
C) Maintaining a positive attitude towards life
D) None of the above
Answer (B)

Q46. Being _________ means that you can identify your strengths and weaknesses
A) Self-Aware
B) Self Motivated
C) Self Regulated
D) None of the above
Answer (A)

Q47. Which force is within you that drives you to do things.
A) Self-Awareness
B) Self-Regulation
C) Self-Motivation
D) None of the above
Answer (C)

Q48. What is ‘S’ in the SMART method of Goal Setting?
A) Time
B) Technique
C) Torture
D) None of these
Answer (A)

Q49. The demands to threats that cause emotional or mental or physical as well as social reactions are known as
A) stressors
B) positive thoughts
C) attitude
D) behaviour
Answer (A)

Q50. Write Full form of ‘SMART’
A) Special, Method, Active, Rate, Time
B) Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound
C) Specific, Active, Method, Relevant, Time-bound
D) None of the above
Answer (B)


Q1.The concept of ICT refers to ………..
A) storing digital information.
B) recording digital information.
C) sending digital information
D) All of the above
Answer (D)

Q2. Which of the following ways are used to record or store information?
A) handwritten on paper
B) written using a typewriter
C) typed in computer
D) All of the above
Answer (D)

Q3. Deleted files and folders are stored in _______________
A) Recycle bin
B) My Computer
C) Control Panel
D) None of the above
Answer (A)

Q4. Which icon allows the user to access all drives, files, and folders on the computer.
A) Recycle Bin
B) Computer
C) Application
D) Start button
Answer (B)

Q5. Bar present at the bottom of the desktop is called ____________
A) Status bar
B) Scroll bar
C) Taskbar
D) None of the above
Answer (C)

Q6. Start button is present on _________ side of the Taskbar.
A) right
B) left
C) top
D) bottom
Answer (B)

Q7. What are the small pictures on the desktop called?
A) Desktop
B) Symbols
C) Icons
D) Pictures
Answer (C)

Q8. The first screen that appears on monitor after loading OS is called ________________
A) Icons
B) Desktop
C) Wallpaper
D) None of the above
Answer (B)

Q9. Software piracy refers to

  1. A) Stealing software and distributing the unlicensed copies
    B) Opensource software
    C) Gain access to a website and perform illegal activity
    D) Selling software online with a proper license key
    Answer (A)

Q10. Which of the following is one of the security measures that monitor incoming and outgoing data?
A) Firewall
B) Firewall
C) Device Manager
D) Google Chrome
Answer (A)

Q11. Choose the strong password out of the following:
A) 12345
B) Aprfd@2021!
C) hello123
D) password
Answer (B)

Q12. The virus replicates itself and spread all files once they attack the computer and very difficult to remove them. This virus is known as………..
A) Trojan Horse
B) File Virus
D) Ransomware
Answer (C)

Q13. Rakesh received a call and was informed about the lottery for winning a huge amount. This type of activity is considered as…………
A) Trojan Horse
B) Online Predator
C) Internet Scams
D) Encryption
Answer (C)

Q14. What type of care should be taken while transacting online?
A) Always lock your computer when you are going away
B) Give credit card and debit card or UPI information on secured sites
C) Save the passwords on the cloud
D) Use pirated software
Answer (B)

Q15. Which of the following trap small children into inappropriate relations?
A) Online predators
B) Worms
C) Trojan Horse
D) Anti-Virus
Answer (A)

Q16. Examples of Mobile operating Systems is :
A) Android
B) Symbian
C) iOS
D) All of the above

Q17. All of the above
A) Graphical User Interface
B) Graphical User Interaction
C) Graphical User Interactive
D) None of the above
Answer (A)

Q18. ________________ operating system is an example of an interactive operating system.
A) Windows
C) Linux
D) None of the above
Answer (A)

Q19. Which of the following is Microsoft Product?
B) Windows
C) Android
D) Linux
Answer (B)

Q20. DOS stands for ______________
A) Disk Operating System
B) Dot Operating System
C) Disk Open System
D) Disk Operating Secure
Answer (A)

Q21. Which part of the computer system should be cleaned so that it can work properly?
A) Internal
B) External
C) Both internal and external
D) None of the above
Answer (C)

Q22. Disk defragmentation help to
A) remove the virus from the system
B) use the disc space at an optimal level.
C) Both of the above
D) None of the above
Answer (B)

Q23. We should never spray any liquid cleaner directly on
A) Keyboard
B) Monitor
C) Mouse
D) All of the above
Answer (D)

Q24. Regular maintenance of the system includes
A) installing updates of the software
B) check the security of the system
C) taking backups of important files and documents
D) All of the above
Answer (D)

Q25. Characteristics of computer virus is :
A) it makes copies of itself
B) it makes the system slow.
C) it may get activated at a certain date and time.
D) All of the above
Answer (D)

Q26. How can an anti-virus protect your device?
A) It can protect it from over-heating.
B) It can increase its performance.
C) It can protect against the virus
D) It can backup data.
Answer (C)

Q27. Which of the following is an Antivirus?
A) Norton Antivirus
B) Quick Heal
C) McAfee VirusScan
D) All of the above
Answer (D)

Q28. A computer virus cannot ____
A) infect files on CD or DVD, if they are closed for writing.
B) infect computer hardware like, keyboard, mouse, etc.
C) Both of the above
D) None of the above
Answer (C)

Q29. A _________ is a software program that attaches itself to other programs and alters their behavior.
A) Cookie
B) Computer virus
C) Firewall
D) None of the above
Q30. Press ______ to select all files.
A) Ctrl + S
B) Ctrl + A
C) Ctrl + D
D) Ctrl + P
Answer (B)

Q31. Identify which of the following is a temporary file?
A) flower.jpg
B) temporary.doc
C) temporary.docx
D) web.tmp
Answer (D)

Q32. . ___________ are small files which are stored on a user’s computer when a user visit a website on the internet.
A) Image
B) Cookies
C) Firewall
D) None of the above
Answer (B)

Q33. To open Temp folder type ____________ in Run dialog box.
A) temp%
B) %temp%
C) #temp#
D) None of the above
Answer (B)

Q34. ________ key helps to move the cursor to the beginning of a new line.
A) Ctrl + Home
B) Ctrl + End
C) Enter
D) None of the above
Answer (C)

Q35. Pressing ____________ key opens the Start menu.
A) Windows
B) Alt + Windows
C) Ctrl + Windows
D) None of the above
Answer (A)

Q36. The short cut key to open a new file in notepad is
A) ctrl + e
B) ctrl + n
C) ctrl + w
D) alt + n
Answer (B)

Q37. The ________ function key is used to get help in most programs.
A) F12
B) F2
C) F3
D) F1
Answer (D)

Q38. Enter your username and password, I allow opening your computer to work upon
A) Power On Self Test
B) Welcome Screen
C) Desktop
D) Login Screen
Answer (D)

Q39. Which of the following programs starts as soon as the computer gets turned on?
A) MS Office
B) Text Editor
C) Text Editor
D) Windows Explorer
Answer (C)

Q40. Which of the following is considered as ICT device?
A) Smart TV
B) FM radio
C) Tablet
D) Multimeter
Answer (C)

Q41. Shortcut to save file is ________________
A) Ctrl + S
B) Ctrl + F1
C) Alt + S
D) None of the above
Answer (A)

Q42. A __________ is a location where a group of files can be stored.
A) folder
B) main file
C) super file
D) none of the above
Answer (A)

Q43. The extension of image file is _____________
A) .xls
B) .jpg
C) .doc
D) .docx
Answer (B)

Q44. Electronic files in computer can be ____________
A) Copied
B) Moved
C) Rename
D) All of the above
Answer (D)

Q45. We can ___ a file by mouse by double click on file.
A) Close
B) Save
C) Open
D) Delete
Answer (C)

Q46. A _____________ is a device that you can use to move, select and open items on your computer screen.
A) Mouse
B) Joystick
C) Scanner
D) None of the above
Answer (A)

Q47. Navigation keys are
A) Arrow Keys
B) Page Up
C) Page down
D) All of the above
Answer (D)

Q48. Keys labeled from F1 to F12 are __________ keys
A) Input
B) System
C) Function
D) Help
Answer (C)

Q49. Which of the following is an output device?
A) Monitor
B) Speaker
C) Printer
D) All of the above
Answer (D)

Q50. BIOS stands for
A) Basic Input/Output System
B) Base Input/Output System
C) Basic Input and Output Systematic
D) None of the above
Answer (A)

Entrepreneurial Skills

  1. Ravi’s customer comes to his store and starts shouting at him. He does not get angry. He listens to what his customer is saying. He is………………………
    (a) hardworking
    (b) confident
    (c) patient
    (d) prying new ideas
  2. Susheela decides to sell her company tyres in Sri Lanka. It does not sell and she has a loss. She apologises to the people who work for her. She says she will plan better next time. She………………………….
    (a) takes responsibility for your mistakes
    (b) thinks before making a decision
    (c) does not give up
    (d) is creative
  3. Tick the correct option for the function that the entrepreneur is doing.
  4. Ali has a diamond factory. He pays his employees on the 1st of every month.

(a) Creates a new product

(b) Manages the business

(c) Takes risk

  1. Mary buys bulbs for her business from Noida. She learns that bulbs are cheaper in Faridabad. So, she decides to start buying bulbs from there.

(a) Makes decisions

(b) Divides income

(c) Takes risk

  1. Rehnuma has two people who work for her. Every day, she spends one hour with them to learn about what they’ve done that day.

(a) Creates a new product

(b) Divides income

(c) Manages the business

  1. Write against the option, if the business idea is of self-employment or wage employment.

(a) Cooking in a restaurant Ans. Wage Employment

(b) Owning a clothing business Ans. Self Employment

(c) Having a dosa selling stall Ans. Self Employment

  1. Write True or False
  2. Entrepreneurs can create jobs in the market. True
  3. When many entrepreneurs sell mobile phones in a market, the prices of phones increase. False
  4. Entrepreneurs identify a need in the market and build a product or service for it. True
  5. List the ways in which an entrepreneur affects a society. Ans. The ways in which an entrepreneur affects a society are:

Fulfil Customer Needs: Entrepreneurs find out what people want. Then, they use their creativity to come up with a business idea that will meet that demand.

Use Local Materials: Entrepreneurs use the material and people available around them, to make products at low cost.

Help Society: They make profits through activities that benefit society. Some entrepreneurs work towards saving the environment, some give money to build schools and hospitals. This way, the people and area around them becomes better.

Create Jobs: With the growth of a business, entrepreneurs look for more people to help them. They buy more material, and from more people.The also hire more people to work for them.

Sharing of Wealth: As entrepreneurs grow their business, the people working for them and in related businesses also grow.

Lower Price of Products: As more entrepreneurs sell the same product, the price of the product goes down. For example, when more mobile phones were getting sold in India, the cost of the phone became lesser.

  1. What is the difference between a misconception and reality? Give an example. Ans. The difference between misconception and reality are:

Misconception: A myth, or a misconception, is a false belief or opinion about something. For example, if we think tall people run faster than short people, we have a misconception. It is not true. The truth is that short people can also run fast.

Reality: Reality means the things which actually exist. It may happen that it appears or nor. You may have unnoticed it but in actual it exists. In other words, the reality is all the things which has real existence irrespective of appearance or not.


  1. How many sustainable development goals are given by the United Nations?
    (a) 18
    (b) 17
    (c) 15
    (d) 20
  2. Choose the option which defines sustainable development.
    (a) Taking care of future generations
    (b) Taking care of only ourselves
    (c) Taking care of ourselves and the future generations
    (d) Well-being of all
  3. Which organization has made the Sustainable Development Goals.
    (a) United Nations
    (b) League of Nations
    (c) UNICEF
    (d) World Health Organization
  4. Which of the following sources of energy is from a renewable source?
    (a) Solar energy
    (b) Wood
    (c) Coals
    (d) Petrol
  5. Choose the option which is not a sustainable development goal according to the United Nations.
    (a) Clean Water and Sanitation
    (b) Gender Equality
    (c) Population
    (d) Reduced Inequalities

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By Sadda Punjab

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