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Motivational Story of Aryan in Hindi

Motivational Story of Aryan in Hindi एक समय की बात है, एक छोटे से गाँव में, जहाँ जिंदगी अनजाने रास्तों पर चलती थी। वहाँ एक...
Can ChatGPT understand multiple languages

Can ChatGPT understand multiple languages

Can ChatGPT understand multiple languages So, you've heard about this fancy new AI named ChatGPT, and you're wondering: can it really understand multiple languages? Well...
Bhagwant Mann

Breaking News: School Closed in Punjab from 11.07.2023 to 13.07.2023

Breaking News: School Closed in Punjab from 11.07.2023 to 13.07.2023 In an unprecedented move, the Punjab Government has made an important announcement. All schools closed...